Sunday, May 6, 2012

Shark/Cheetah Encounter

This morning we woke up before the sun to head to Simon's Town to see if the sharks would make an appearance for us today.  Cape Town is even more stunning from the water! The city is spread out from the ocean up to the mountains with Table Mountain and the Twelve Apostles proudly presiding over the city.  Unfortunately our optimism was not enough to lure the sharks... and neither was the seal decoy... or the sound baiting... or the tuna head bait... but that just means I have to come back in July when predatory season is in full force.  I did still get in the cage - I was in a wetsuit off the coast of Cape Point - why not? - and saw a million fish, to go along with the million seals, lots of dolphins, and a few penguins we spotted.  I would do it again, sharks or no sharks.  

After our sad morning animal encounter (well, lack thereof) we decided to try again in the afternoon. We took a trip out to Stellenbosch - gorgeous wine country, rolling valley under the mountains. The winery we visited was not only about the vino, but also had many interesting animals to meet. After a traditional Moyo lunch (I tried oxtail, without knowing what it was, and it was delish) we ventured over to the farm.  Many of you know the large cats are my favorite animals, of which I hope to meet many later this week! But my first real encounter with a big cat (outside the zoo of course) was a unique one! The farm cares for 10 endangered cheetahs and some cheetah cubs and we were able to meet Joseph, a ten year old (that's old for a cheetah) and even pet him! Petting a purring cheetah is certainly a breath taking experience! I wanted to bring Joseph home as a house cat but don't think Lamont would approve... We also pet owls - did you know you could pet an owl?? Needless to say, I am looking forward to the authentic wild animal encounters to come!

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